One morning the mother of a two-year-old boy was horrified to find him playing with an empty bottle of her husband’s heart medicine. She couldn’t get her son to tell her what had happened to the pills in the bottle, so she rushed him to the...
I stopped and paused while looking at the day’s Sports section of my newspaper. Trying to avoid reading about baseball in Chicago these days, I gravitated to the medal counts for the Olympics. Then it occurred to me – why do I care about medal...
The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time marks the fourth Sunday of a vital lesson on the Eucharist in which we are led to consider the natural human resistance to what the Father intends to do for us in the Eucharist, by offering us the flesh and...
Whenever Mass is celebrated, the Scripture readings are taken from a book called the Lectionary, from the Latin word lectio, which means “reading.” For some centuries, the Church had a lectionary in which the same passages were repeated on any given...
In his encyclical “Evangelii Nuntiandi,” (1975) St. Paul VI writes this: “Man, nowadays, is more willing to listen to witnesses than to teachers.” So true in every age! Without doubt, what I can teach you has less impact on all of us and on our...
I find it hard to stay constantly motivated when there are challenges in the Church. It’s true. I walk in my faith as best I can, and still wonder when God will deliver his people. There are a seemingly infinite amount of challenges facing the World...
It is patently clear that the word “blood” is the most revealing word in all three readings of this liturgy. We immediately associate blood with life; while we recoil from the sight of spilled blood as, right away, it conjures up the specter of a...
We cannot rely on our own strength when it comes to life. I must admit that I am a prideful man. I want to say I did everything on my own. Well, no one can claim this. All people have to rely on others at some point in their lives. Obviously it is...