Tag: Evangelization

Join in the Work of Evangelization

It gives me great peace in my life to know that everything does not depend upon me, but on God. He is in charge.  He sends us many blessings. He allows us to have times of tribulation. So when we become fearful, we must remember that through our...

We Are Called to Evangelize

It is my great pleasure to announce that I have been appointed director of evangelization and formation for the Diocese of Orange, California. I assume this role while continuing my work as president of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry, which engages...


I’ve always been a very political person. I love to debate. However, I have to admit, I’m currently getting very tired of being constantly being bombarded by politics all around me. I’ve turned much of it off, especially what I see on television and...

Evangelization and Prayer

The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes that the effect of the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation “is the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost.” (1302) The sacrament brings an...

Speak Now

Sisters and brothers. There is a saying attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach always and if necessary, use words.” Scholars debate whether Francis actually uttered those words, and most will tell you that it is most likely a later...

Into the Deep

In the Gospel of Luke (5:1-11), Jesus turns to Simon Peter and says: “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” In reply, he speaks for himself and the other disciples: “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing...

Our Celebration of Life

The readings for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time are a hymn to the culture of life: even life with all the trials and pain, and limits, and hardships that our human frailty imposes on us. This is possible because Christ lives forever to make...

The “Experience” Fallacy

Our culture is dominated by a fallacy that has ensnared people of all persuasions and creeds.  It afflicts the pro-abortion and pro-life crowd, the anti-marriage and pro-marriage crowd, conservatives and liberals alike.  This fallacy is the...