Tag: Faith

Putting Our Faith into Practice

The Fourth Sunday of Easter is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and so I’ve asked our fourth grade students from school to share what occupation or career they’d like to have when they grow up. Quite a few are interested in being...

A Lenten Reflection on Faith

“They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.” (Is 40:31)  Chastisements and different kinds of calamities are breaking out all...

Three Anchors of Our Faith

Why do you exist and what are you going to do about it? That is your personal mission. To go forward with a personal mission will give you direction and clear intentions. By recognizing our values and strengths we propel ourselves toward an...

God Performs Miracles On His Time, Not Ours

A young nurse named Leslie once witnessed something that, according to her, defied medical science. A patient was told by a hospital surgeon that his badly infected leg needed to be amputated—but a few hours later, the doctor discovered that...

Practicing Our Faith

In the Acts of the Apostles (6:1-7). Scripture tells us that The Seven were chosen by the Apostles, prayed over, consecrated, and made sacred ministers—deacons! Immediately following their transformation (or ordination, as we know it today)...

Have Faith, Then

What I want to say to you is that you are significant in God’s great scheme of things. Let me point out two things about each one of you. Each one of you has his or her own completely unique DNA coding. No one who ever was, or who is living now, or...

Faith, Not Fear

With everyday events bombarding us with what seems to be bad news compounded by bad news, fear becomes more and more of a factor in our lives.  Fear is our enemy.  It is meant to defeat us and at the very least immobilize our ministries...

Persisting in the Light of Faith

The clock shines bright in the darkness of midnight. You remember to take deep breaths to stay calm. After some silence and mental prayer you glance at the clock. It is now 12:30am. You decide that you can try to fall back asleep. 1am. You are still...
