Tag: Freedom

We Are Left to Choose—in Freedom

Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom that he promised to those who love Him? (James 2:5) This is, obviously, a rhetorical question. The answer is a resounding “YES” In any age of the Church...

When Unlimited “Freedom” Becomes Unlimited Despotism

“I am perplexed by my own data and my conclusion is a direct contradiction of the original idea with which I start.  Starting from unlimited freedom, I arrive at unlimited despotism. I will add, however, that there can be no solution of the social...

For Those Who Seek True Freedom

Prior to World War II, there were many young people in Germany who belonged to the Nazi youth movement. Some were forced into joining, but most participated quite eagerly and enthusiastically—including a 15-year-old girl named Margaret Mehren. She...

Authentic Freedom and Happiness

At the time of Christ’s birth there was a great Jewish rabbi named Hillel, known for his wisdom and understanding. He died when Our Lord was about 15, so it’s possible Jesus met him personally—perhaps when, at the age of 12, He spent three days in...

Reflections on Work

I don’t know about you, but I sure hear a lot of people complaining about their jobs these days. Climbing the corporate ladder is taking its toll, especially when the climb stalls. It seems “respect” is something we often hear, but less seldom...

To Love

More than any other, perhaps, the parable of the prodigal son reveals to us an aspect of the heart of the Father in the only way we, mere human beings, can understand it. For this reason, then, we ought to resist the habitual tendency that we all...

Do We Hear the Voice of the Good Shepherd?

In the Book of Exodus, we read of the Israelites departure from Egypt and of their miraculous deliverance by God through Moses. As part of that story, we read of the time when Moses went up on Mount Sinai and was given the Ten Commandments. He...

Authentic Truth

Recently, our friends at Crisis Magazine (19 March 2018) published an upsetting account of a Catholic college not defending a student who was promoting Church teachings on love, marriage and family. I immediately forwarded the article to several of...
