Tag: Fruitfulness

The Fruit We Desire

Tragedies and calamities, due to natural causes or human cruelty, should not be seen by believers as punishment from God but as wakeup calls to be always intent on doing good. The parable of the fig tree is so relevant that we should find it...

Love That Bears Fruit

“For 3 years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none.” These words of disappointment might express God’s feelings looking at us and at our inner disposition.  Three years ago, when we heard the very same readings from...

We Are Known By Our Fruit

The last line in our first reading for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time says, “Praise no one before he speaks, for it is then that people are tested.” (Sirach 27:7) And the last line in our Gospel says, “From the fullness of the heart the mouth...

To Bear Fruit

In the rectory’s backyard there are four vines that yield delicious and very generous grapes. Behind the little house next to the Grotto of Lourdes at the rectory there are four more; but lately their yield has been scarce and disappointingly tart...

Being a Christian

Once there was a man—we’ll call him Ned—who was big, strong, very athletic and capable, and also very proud.  Ned was convinced that he was always right; he never made mistakes—or so he believed—and if anything ever went wrong, it was always someone...