Tag: Homosexuality

The Brotherhood of the Flesh (Part Two)

Aleister Crowley passed his baton of sexual depravity to a meek and outwardly man whose early interests centered on his gall wasp collection. This was Alfred Kinsey, who would revolutionize the sexual mores of the American people. As Dr. James...

Misrepresenting Catholic Teaching

I recently expressed concern about the Catholic hierarchy’s troubling stance on homosexuality. Another statement by Pope Francis unfortunately increases rather than diminishes that concern. The statement was written in support of...

The Catholic Hierarchy’s Embrace of Homosexuality

On the matter of homosexuality or, LBGTI+ as it is fashionably known, the Catholic hierarchy have been at least disingenuous and at most dishonest. The troubling result has been confusion and concern among the people they have been anointed to guide...

A New Catholic View on Homosexuality?

In the past, Munich’s Cardinal Reinhard Marx has given his blessing to same-sex couples. Now he is going a step beyond that and publicly advocating that the Catholic Church change its teaching on homosexuality. Doing so, in his view, would be...

What Informed Catholics Expect of Prelates

As I noted in “Overcoming Our Social Chaos”  and “A Layman’s Memo to Catholic Prelates” the future of both Catholic Church and Western Civilization will largely depend on the prelates’ willingness to meet their leadership responsibilities. The...

The Great Manipulation

Did you ever wonder how the homosexual lifestyle went from disrepute to almost general acceptance in just the past ten years or so? I found this change inexplicable until I discovered two enlightening articles. One was written in 2004 by R. Albert...

The Greek Persuasion

After the comprehensive and well-written essays on this page by Thomas Addis and Vincent Ruggiero, plus an uproar in the secular media, one might question what I might add to this discussion about the evil that has been polluting our Church for...

Celibacy, Sexual Abuse, and the Denigration of Women

In a recent essay I noted that, while allegedly seducing a young priest who later committed suicide, Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard justified his homosexual acts by claiming that celibacy means nothing more than “being free of sexual contact with...