Tag: Hope

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

The long gospel of the woman at the well, the Fourth Chapter of John (4:5-42), is a wonderful drama of sin and forgiveness. On Monday of last week we had a reading from the Book of Deuteronomy which spoke about how the people who sinned were...

Despite The Darkness, There Are Rays Of Hope

When we are in darkness, even a small amount of light permits us to see. For example, if we are in the forest, the light from the moon allows us to navigate through the brush. If we are in a cave, the light from a flashlight gives us enough vision...

Like A Tree Planted By Streams Of Water

In the first Psalm, we are told that: Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and...

Where Is Hope?

Seek That Which Is Above, published in 2007 by Ignatius Press, is a compilation of addresses Cardinal Ratzinger gave in Munich during the 1980s.  For the most part, they are reflections on certain events in the liturgical calendar. In his reflection...

Heaven’s Door

It was my father’s wish to die at home.  So near the end of his life we did our best to honor his wish; and ultimately that day arrived- the day that appeared to be his last day here on earth. We all went home that morning, and gathered around my...
