In my 2022 book, More from a Florida Catholic. I noted that the world is changing. Soon, my wife and I will return to Europe. From the 1960s to the 1980s, when first residing and last visiting, we noticed how, in particular, France and Italy...
I believe the United States has critically declined since its leaders turned their collective backs on the Triune God. Many of them still believe in god, several gods. The pagan gods of old, such as war, wisdom, poetry, sea, thunder and beauty have...
My wife and I decided to move to a new home in Georgia last year. At our ages it was probably not a smart life change but sometimes you just have to push the envelope near the edge of the table. After nine arduous months of waiting for the home...
On Thursday 18 August 2022, we celebrated the feast of St Helen. In Malta, in Birkirkara, we celebrated with great jubilation her feast on Sunday 21 August 2022. Who was Helen? History tells us that she was the mother of Constantine the Great, a...
Cultural Marxist, the author of Eros and Civilization, Herbert Marcuse coined the phrase during the Vietnam War: Make love not war. I used to quip, get married and do both. Like most of my clever lines, somewhere may be found a residual truth. I...
Any good comedian will tell you that one of the more humorous subjects is marriage; most people will be amused, and at least half the audience will nod in sympathy or agreement. People like to laugh about the differing perspectives and experiences...
An experiment was once held in which four small groups of people were asked to build the tallest possible structure of pieces of uncooked spaghetti, using only cellophane tape to hold everything together—and most of the groups were certain they’d...
A married couple, Ardith and Jerry, had many problems in their marriage, but were trying to work things out after being separated for over a year. During the separation Ardith had met a man named Bob, who lived in a city four hours away, and she...