Tag: Mary

Insights from Martin Luther Regarding Our Blessed Mother

You wouldn’t believe it but it is true: Martin Luther held a great devotion to Mary, the Mother of God and Our Heavenly Mother. Leaving aside all the radical distinctives of early Protestantism like the Communion of the Saints, Penance, Purgatory...

Praying with Our Blessed Mother

For many years now, the Blessed Mother has played an important role in my life and ministry. It will be a great joy, in this upcoming month of May, to honor her. How blessed are we that we have the love of the Blessed Mother! We have a spiritual...

The Marian Devotion of Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński

“I gambled everything on Mary.”- Blessed Stefan Wyszyński The quite recent beatification of Stefan Wyszyński made Catholic headlines around the world. Some newspapers depicted the new blessed as the “Cardinal who defied communism”...

The Assumption of Mary

Today’s feast of the Assumption is rooted into the most extraordinary event in the history of this world: the Resurrection of Christ from the tomb before his bruised and disfigured body could be corrupted by death. St. Paul points out that Jesus is...

His Love for Mary

Throughout this year we have been celebrating the first centenary from the birth of a great devotee of Mary, Pope St. John Paul II. It would be fruitful to see how this great Marian Pope showed his immense love for Mary, particularly by the way he...

Mary and Forgiveness

In the upcoming weeks, we honor the Blessed Mother on multiple days on the liturgical calendar. We are so blessed because we have been given a spiritual mother who loves us and wants to intercede for us and bring us closer to her Son Jesus.Mary is...

Consecrating Ourselves to Mary

Many bishops around the world, during the prevalent coronavirus pandemic, have consecrated their countries to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Our Mother. Pope Francis himself offered heaps of prayers to Mary in order that COVID-19 will be...

Poland’s Divine Protection

On the 14th of August, 1608 Fr. Giulio Mancinelli, an Italian Jesuit, experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary who asked him: “Why do you not call me Queen of the Polish? I greatly cherish this kingdom and I intend great things for it, as its...