Tag: Memories

Healing Our Wounds and Memories

As we read the Scriptures, we learn that it is God’s wish for us that we live a life of grace, a life of healing and a life of abundance. Jesus wants to heal us emotionally and heal our deepest wounds and memories. But an obstacle to this...

Mercy and Healing of Memories

So many of us are paralyzed by memories in our past. Many times it is in our childhood or perhaps hurt from the loss of a relationship or death of someone we love.   How do we respond to hurt in our past? If you are similar to me, you might just...

Things Remembered

Mark Twain once remarked: “When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not; but I am getting old, and soon I shall remember only the latter.” From birth until natural death, our experiences meld us into the persons we have...