Kenny Rogers, in his song The Gambler, said I need to “know when to fold them, know when to walk away, and know when to run.” I’ve been running for years. I never felt quite secure again after the first layoff propelled me away from the comfortable...
Athletes are trained to know their bodies. Chemists, like me, know which medication to use for certain aches. “No pain, No gain” versus simply, “No pain.” A friend of mine takes an Aleve® each night so she wakes up with less aches. I’ve always...
I used to have a treadmill but I eventually sold it for lack of use. I never really enjoyed using it. I would rather take a good nature walk in the fresh air. However, I think the treadmill is a perfect metaphor of something more...
Once there was an absent-minded college professor who was so absorbed in his field of teaching and research that he had trouble remembering even the simplest events and details of daily life. As he was leaving for work one morning, his wife said...
Chevy Chase, late of Saturday Nite Live, reigns as one of the all-time great psychical humorists. I believe his cynical humor, laced with some daring pratfalls, cost President Gerald Ford the 1976 presidential election. During one episode, just...
The city of Riga is the capital of the small country of Latvia, located on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northeastern Europe. Following World War II Latvia was occupied by the Russians, and forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union until finally...
Our focus on using Ignatian spirituality is to have personal experiences of Jesus. A spiritual director recently shared this experience with me: Recently, a directee shared with me her experience of awakening with tears in her eyes because her dream...
One of the joys in men’s ministry, and I imagine the same is true for women’s ministry, is learning that I am not so alone in my challenges. Specifically, a lot of guys my age struggle to balance job, faith, family and financial demands while...