Tag: Truth

God, Truth, and Civilization

Christians tend to think of truth as something we are commanded to reflect in our speech. The Bible supports that understanding. But John’s gospel goes further and links truth to God’s very nature. It says that Jesus is not only the “Word...

How Modern “Truth” Opposes Christianity

In Revisiting the Idea of Truth I discussed how Americans’ abandonment of the ancient view of truth has destroyed rationality and common sense and put our country squarely on the path to destruction. That discussion was focused strictly on the...

Revisiting the Idea of Truth

“Truth” has always been one of the most important words in the dictionary. Unfortunately, it is greatly misunderstood today, and the world has been harmed as a result. The best way to begin a discussion of it is to clarify its meaning. Cambridge...

Seeking Jesus’ Truth

In the Gospel of Matthew (22:15-21), Jesus teaches us that he expects us, his disciples, to be consistent, viscerally grateful and of solid integrity. After seeing the embarrassment of the Pharisees as Jesus repeatedly exposed to public scrutiny...

An Open Letter to My Niece

It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance. Thomas Sowell Congratulations to all of the 2023 high school graduates! For those of you who are entrepreneurs or going to work, thank you! You keep the...

What Feminism Tried to Take

If I say goodbye, the nation learns to move on. It outlives me when I’m gone. George Washington, “Hamilton” The only important work that most of us will do is raising our children.   George Washington’s bravery and humility...

Dangerous Developments in American Education

The concept of academic freedom is centuries old and has been modified over time. Since 1940 it has had these guiding principles: Teachers are to have “full freedom in research and in the publication of the results,” as well as “freedom in...

Accepting God’s Gift of Light

When I studied philosophy in the seminary, one of the images or examples that made the most sense to me was Plato’s allegory of the cave. Plato, of course, was a famous Greek philosopher who lived over 300 years before Christ. He wanted to...