This essay is the third in the series “Good Habits.” The discussion is based on my book of the same title. The word “efficiency” frightens many people. Some see it as cold, regimented, and mechanical and think it makes life grim and joyless. Others...
Making sense of the present age is like playing whack-a-mole. Every time we smack down one foolish notion, another pops up, then another and another. To make matters worse, more and more people seem to be accepting the foolishness rather than...
In 1915, American poet Robert Frost wrote “The Road Not Taken,” a poem that has ever since been among the world’s favorites. Here is the full text: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I...
Our first reaction must be: “I do not want my face to fall like the face of the rich, young man. I do not want to walk away from Jesus. I do not want to be sad (cf. Mark 10:21-22). Now, to say the same thing in a positive form we would say: “I want...
Why have many people abandoned religion? Why do many young people do much worse in school than their parents and grandparents did? Why does virtually everyone claim innumerable rights but far fewer accept personal responsibility? Why do many news...
The wisest among us have long taught the rest of us that the way to solve problems and overcome controversies is to ask important questions, seek answers, and follow the facts. That approach, of course, takes curiosity which many people lack, and...
In October 2021, a pregnant girl in South America was considering abortion, but she changed her mind; because of the loving support of pro-life volunteers and priests at a women’s shelter run by the Church, she decided to have her baby. This...
Resonance, according to the American Heritage College Dictionary: “the increase in amplitude of oscillation of an electric or mechanical system due to a periodic force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural or undamped frequency of...