Tag: Worship

Worshipping in Spirit and Truth

The story of the three kings from the East, bringing gifts to baby Jesus in Bethlehem, is one that we all remember from childhood. Even now it conjures up exotic images of courage, open mindedness, and faith. But, for a moment, let us strip it of...

True Worship

The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds. I am already being poured out like a libation. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen. In these 3 verses from Holy Scripture we have summarized the core of our worship i.e., the genuine prayer of praise...

Worshipping God in Sincerity and Truth

Many centuries ago there was a wealthy pagan who attributed his success in life to the different idols, or false gods, he worshipped. In his home he had a shrine to them, with a large, almost life-sized statue of the chief pagan god, and half-a...