John Tuttle

JOHN TUTTLE is a Catholic man on fire for beauty and truth. His journalism focuses on secular and faith-based coverage alike. A regular writer with the Catholic magazine, Culture Wars, his writing also appears in The Prehistoric Times and on sites such as Those Catholic Men, Hacker Noon, and Movie Babble. His short film "The Amazing World of Insects" won 1st place in the youth film category of the 2017 SkeenaWild Film Fest.

Scientism: Trusting in a Fragmented Totality

When philosophical inquiry was being experimented with in ancient Greece, philosophers often did not make distinctions between the sciences and the other fields of thought which they debated. Some of the same thinkers pondering atomic structure were...

What Has the Shire to Do with Rome?

The Lord of the Rings serves as an exceptional benchmark of 20th-century literature. It has been acclaimed by both scholars and hippies and has been enjoyed by readers of the general public as well as by faithful Christians. In the years since its...

Indifference: The Societal Plague of the 21st Century

One of the biggest dilemmas in the social structure of our day is not an ideology proclaimed from the throats of policymakers nor yelled at from behind pulpits. It is an often unspoken essence which has crept its way into the day-to-day existence...

Gollum: The Embodiment of the Dangers of Addiction

Once known by the name Smeagol, Gollum is an infamous and troubled trickster seen throughout the fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings. Featuring a sort of Jekyll and Hyde personality split, Gollum became who he is as a result of the corruption...

How St Anthony Teaches Us Humility and Unconditional Zeal

St. Anthony of Padua, whose feast day we celebrate on June 13, was a man of many virtues who had attained that disposition sought out by those who can love genuinely: authentic humility. His was not a deliberately put-on sense of humility, an act of...

Where is Truth?

Being human, we strive toward various goals in life. Most, if not all of them, are directed in search of the truth or a derivative feeling of authenticity. One of the most tender, blatantly straight-forward, and crucially philosophical questions of...

The 1960s: Our Springboard to Moral Decline

In early April, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote an article concerning the sexual abuse scandals within the Catholic Church. The outcry made massive headlines the world over. The German scholar notes, “The extent and gravity of the reported...