Tag: Common Sense

Welcome to Topsy-Turvydom

Erika López Prater was an adjunct professor of Art History at Hamline University. Her course syllabus included a warning that the art to be discussed contained images of religious figures. She also advised students that if they had any concerns...

The Culture of Absurdity

The battle for social dominance is over and the results are clear—common sense has been routed and absurdity is savoring the victory. The signs are everywhere. Here are some of them: Shutting down American fuel industries to help the climate, then...

I’ve Been Wondering…

Why did President Biden as his first action in office shut down the XL pipeline, which eliminated over ten thousand jobs, ended the energy independence that Trump achieved, and made us once again dependent on Saudi-Arabian oil? Did he not see...

Common Sense: Where Art Thou?

The news is filled with evidence that common sense is increasingly uncommon. Here are a few examples: “Sanctuary Cities” like San Francisco refuse to follow federal law and federal officials ignore the offense. (Common sense suggests that laws...

America’s Troubled Culture

American culture is infected with Relativism, the belief that everyone creates his or her own truth. In other words, that people don’t only have a right to their opinion—their opinions are necessarily right! At first thought, this notion seems...
