Tag: Debt

Out of Control

Do you get the feeling that our government or at least the direction of our government is out of control? Don’t feel alone. Americans seem to be in the midst of a debt revolution. Everyone seems to have a “plan,” but the plans are not coordinated in...

Why Are Americans So Depressed?

Depression is estimated to cost Americans more than $210 billion dollars each year in medication to treat depression. Depression is widespread and getting worse. Just the cost in the decline in the quality of life is enough to make one depressed...

A Debt We Can Never Repay

Several years ago, walking through the woods behind our Seminary property in late April, as my eyes strained to spot morels, I was startled by the shy yet imposing beauty of tiny plants of yellow violets. Aren’t violet supposed to be blue? Those...

Our Amazing Times and the Coming Revolution

What amazing times we live in. Just this week… Same sex partners can now marry in Germany. The Pope’s top aide is traveling to Australia to defend himself against charges of child sex abuse. New Jersey can’t pass a budget and...

Land of the Lost

In an October 2016 Mises Institute talk, Jeff Deist declared that “…today’s campuses are a microcosm of what progressives have in store for society in general. And part of that vision requires a degree of collective ignorance and...

Debt, Debt, and More Debt

The National debt clock moves so fast that it is impossible to write down the balance accurately at any given time. Just a few hours ago, it was rolling along at $19,860,685,748,210. That’s trillions of dollars! As much as this staggering...

Who Would Want to be President?

It is hard to imagine any President of the United States being able to fulfill all the demands that the American people have placed before him or her. Some 500,000 women marched on Washington, D.C. to let President Trump know that women have rights...

Our Debt is a Fact of Life

Most Americans are too busy to worry or care about the growing national debt. But some day we are going to have to address this mountain of I.O.U.’s. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal casually mentioned that the 2016 U.S. budget...