Tag: Abortion

Informed Consent

In October 2021, Pennsylvania representative Chris Rabb issued a memorandum in support of a future bill that would make vasectomies compulsory. The procedure would be required either six weeks after a man had his third child, or by his 40th...

It is Not Hard to Find the Truth

One day a man stopped by an apartment building to visit a long-time friend of his, an older woman named Mabel who was a music teacher. He greeted her by saying, “Hey, Mabel, what’s the good news today?” Mabel stood up, silently walked across the...

In the Dark Shadows of Abortion

What do the old Brooklyn Dodgers and abortion rights have in common? I know that sounds like a strange question but in 1953 the Brooklyn Dodgers roster, the so-called Boys of Summer, listed two formidable pitchers on their roster. Listed...

God’s Ventilator

Covid-19 is still with us as we begin the year 2021. Who would have thought one year ago that we would still be immersed in this crisis? I remember the initial call to lock down and stay at home. Give it three weeks, we were told, and we will stop...

Why Have Our Prayers Gone Unanswered?

Right now, I am rather stunned. For the last four years we have had the most pro-life president this country has ever had, Donald J. Trump. On the other hand, Joe Biden, a professed “practicing Catholic,” has stated that, “If...

How Can a Vaccine be Immoral?

When I was younger, I recall being asked if I was allergic to “eggs” before I got a flu shot. Oh, for the good old days. Vaccines were produced in eggs and no one worried about the morality of a vaccine. Today is different. A COVID-19 vaccine cannot...

Canonizing Joe Biden

Canonizing Joe Biden? I know my Republican friends will think this is a misprint. A week or so ago I would have thought the same thing. I regarded Biden as a man of little competence and less integrity whose most significant “achievement” was using...
