All Essays

The Burden of Ideas

It is fashionable to believe that ideas are quiet, ethereal things that can do no harm. “What others think won’t affect me or anyone else,” the belief goes. That belief is wrong! Ideas can quickly spread from one person to many, and when they do so...

Zeal for Your House

“Zeal for your house will consume me.” (Psalm 69:10) This is the conclusion that the disciples of Jesus reached as being the essence of his entire life epitomized in the incident of the Temple cleansing. Thus, appreciating its significance, it could...

Chastity: The Underrated Virtue

“Then Pilate took Jesus and had him scourged.” (John 19: 1) The visions of the 19th century German mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, vividly depict the flagellation of Christ. All in all very few realize that the fact that the body of...

The Saints and Spiritual Warfare

One of the pivotal aspects of spiritual life is spiritual warfare. There is no concrete spiritual progress without battling for what is good and holy. Pope Francis brought this reality to the fore so beautifully when, in his Angelus address of...

God’s Ventilator

Covid-19 is still with us as we begin the year 2021. Who would have thought one year ago that we would still be immersed in this crisis? I remember the initial call to lock down and stay at home. Give it three weeks, we were told, and we will stop...
