One Less Bell


All Essays

Do We “Partially Love” God?

As I prepared this homily, I realized that all three readings are building on last Sunday’s readings by insisting on the vital importance of loving. I became thoroughly scared, with an awful knot in my stomach, because it was difficult for me to...

Rooted in Him

There was once a movie called Shadow of the Hawk, in which a young couple and their Indian guide were hurrying up a mountainside, fleeing from evil people seeking to kill them. Because the Indian guide knew the mountain so well, he would be able to...

Perseverance: A Eucharistic Reflection

We cannot rely on our own strength when it comes to life. I must admit that I am a prideful man. I want to say I did everything on my own. Well, no one can claim this. All people have to rely on others at some point in their lives. Obviously it is...

Searching and Listening

How much time do we spending thinking about all the things we could do if we did not have to work “9 to 5” each day? I have always been a planner. I enrolled in programs for certifications in areas area that I thought I would like to engage in...
